The Thickness of Delirium Movie Review

The Thickness of DeliriumThe Thickness of Delirium Movie Review

The Thickness of Delirium Movie Synopsis:

Year: 2007
Duration: 1 h 22 min
Genre: Drama
Director: Brian James McGuire
Writer: Brian James McGuire
Cast: Brian James McGuire, Leann Slaby, Kat Berlik, Ket Berlik

Shawn has been tormented for years knowing that his father doesn’t want to be a part of his life. When his mother dies and his father doesn’t come to the funeral, he reaches his breaking point and drives from his home in Wisconsin to his childhood home in Utah where his father still lives…to kill him. After a snow storm forces Shawn to spend the night in a motel, he meets Ronnie, a carefree and adventurous woman who is heading west to reach her dream of becoming a country western singer. The two find a connection that may force Shawn to rethink his mission.

The Thickness of Delirium Movie Review is a post from: Moviemand

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